#easytomake #sugarfree #breakfast #afterpractice
"superduper yummy before or after your practice - this cream is always the best "
Jennifer - your vegan Dietitian Coach
Servings: 30 PC
Prepping Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 0 min
- 200 g Hazelnutbutter - sugarfree
- 60g - 80g Agave Syrup
- 10g baking cocoa - sugarfree
- 1 Pinch of Salt
- 1 Pinch of cinnamon
- 1 pinch of ground vanilla
How to make:
- Fill all the ingredients in a large bowl
- stirr it with a spoon, fork or a whisk until you have a smooth hazelnutcream
- fill the cream in a jar
- store the cream in room temperatur to keep it smooth
- when you put it in the fridge you can make hazelnut pralines out of it
- whether in the fridge or in the kitchen this cream stays good pretty long - unless it will be eaten very fast because it is so yummy


"Do you fill shit in your car engine? No? Well, then don´t do it in your body either!" - Jennifer - your vegan coach www.veganforsport.de
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Jennifer Weidmann - your vegan coach
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#easytomake #yummy #thebestforyoursuccess