VeganforSport Couverture

#easytomake #sugarfree #basicrecipe #superyummy

"This couverture is one of our basic recipes, which are often used in other recipes - it is super delicious and also healthy - what more could you want? "

Jennifer - Your vegan Nutrition coach for athletes

Vegan For Sport- Couverture

Servings: 1 PC

Prepping Time: 15 min

Resting Time: 30 min

Cooking Time: 5 min


  • 120g Cocao butter
  • 120g Hazelnut butter
  • 20g Baking cocoa
  • 60g Agave syrup
  • 1 Pinch of salt
  • 1 Pinch of ground vanilla
  • 1 Pinch of cinnamon

How to make:

  1. Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Either you use a simmer pot or put a small pot in a large one. Pour a little water into the large pot and heat - make sure that no water gets into the cocoa butter
  2. While the cocoa butter is melting, you can mix all the other ingredients into a creamy, homogeneous mass. Make sure there are no lumps in it.
  3. Add the liquid cocoa butter to the hazelnut mixture and mix again to form a homogeneous, lump-free mixture.
  4.  Allow to cool at room temperature for 30 minutes
  5.  Now you can use the couverture, such as our Ice-Bites. Vegan Choc Cros, marble cake or delicious VeganforSport chocolate. The possibilities are endless
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